Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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ATB: 'La Pola', a heroine of the epic Colombian television remains

Bolivia Informa

Radio Cadena Nacional (RCN) and Sony Pictures joined to co-produce the series which portrays the story of one of the heroines of the independence of Colombia. Will be released today at 19.00 by ATB.

La Pola, love was free, is a Colombian telenovela that chronicles the political life and loving Salavarrieta Policarpa (Pola), a woman who became one of the most important figures in the history of the independence of Colombia prefer death rather than submission, entretengo.com website portrays.

Despite being based on a story about real characters, La Pola not cease to be a work of fiction by the same director, Sergio Cabrera. The aim "is to imagine what life was like the characters that we know much of his public life, but little of his private life."

coproduction was formalized in the framework of the celebration of the bicentennial of the independence of Colombia. As described by Cabrera, is a series of time set in the early nineteenth century, when La Pola was one of the bravest defenders of the revolution patriots of New Granada from Spain.

This series, which has 90 chapters, was recorded entirely in high definition format in different locations such as Villa de Leyva, Barichara, Monguí, Guan and Bogota.

The soap opera stars the Colombian and English Carolina Ramírez Emmanuel Esparza and the antagonistic action of Juliana Galvis and Manuel Navarro. It also has the role of Ana Maria Estupiñán youth and Paul Espinosa, such as La Pola, Alejo Sabarain, respectively. The film was developed on a timeline of 15 years, why the production has a large cast of new actors in the second temporary stage.

Monday 13 de septiembre del 2010 se estrenó en Colombia y generó un mayor interés hacia la historia. En el resto de Latinoamérica, el éxito ha sido similar.

La Razón


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